Rowan Winter Vintage
In Winter Vintage, Kaffe Fasset brings us 6 new designs for garments and accessories. There are 2 gorgeous pullovers featuring expansive palettes of Rowan Felted Tweed, 3 colorful scarves and shawls in Felted Tweed, and a geometric-patterned shawl in KidSilk Haze. Highlighting the multitude of ways that his Felted Tweed colors can interact, Kaffe Fassett once again beings color and warmth to our knitting with stripes, stranded colorwork, and intarsia. Soft cover, 50 pages.
Item Description
In Winter Vintage, Kaffe Fasset brings us 6 new designs for garments and accessories. There are 2 gorgeous pullovers featuring expansive palettes of Rowan Felted Tweed, 3 colorful scarves and shawls in Felted Tweed, and a geometric-patterned shawl in KidSilk Haze. Highlighting the multitude of ways that his Felted Tweed colors can interact, Kaffe Fassett once again beings color and warmth to our knitting with stripes, stranded colorwork, and intarsia. Soft cover, 50 pages.

Rowan Winter Vintage